Eureka! Finally have the mugs looking how we envisioned. Took 8 mugs to figure it all out, so I think we'll be giving away some FREE MUGS of the slightly less than perfect ones. Stay tuned for that.
Take a gander at a couple of our failures and a couple of successful outcomes. My photography skills need a lil' work too, so try and ignore the glare.
Our first try. There's suppose to be a Corgi on there. Oops! Wrong type of coating on the mug. Onto the next try with a different mug.
First try with the new mug. Welp at least the Corgi made an appearance this time, but he's kind of faded. More testing with changing up paper, ink and wrap settings leads to a successful outcome.
8 mugs later and we have lift off. smile emoticon Here's 3 different views of the successful Corgi Mug:

We're very happy with this one. Hope y'all are too.
By jove I think we've got it. That's the front and back side view of the St. Bernard Mug.
Still on track to open Apr 1st. Stickers coming up next!
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